工作单位: 郑州大学
A geometric object of great interest in combinatorial optimization is the perfect match- ing polytope of a graph G —the convex hull of the incidence vectors of all perfect match- ings of G. In any investigation concerning the perfect matching polytope, one may assume that G is matching covered — that is, G is a connected graph (of order at least two) and each edge of G lies in some perfect matching.
A graph G is Birkhoff-von Neumann if its perfect matching polytope is characterized solely by non-negativity and degree constraints. A result of Balas (1981) implies that G is Birkhoff-von Neumann if and only if G does not contain a pair of vertex-disjoint odd cycles (C1, C2) such that G−V (C1) −V (C2) has a perfect matching. It follows immediately that the corresponding decision problem is in co-NP. However, it is not known to be in NP.
The combinatorial diameter of a polytope is the diameter of its 1-skeleton graph. A graph G is PM-compact if the combinatorial diameter of its perfect matching polytope equals one. A result of Chva´tal (1975) implies that G is PM-compact if and only if G does not contain a pair of vertex-disjoint even cycles (C1, C2) such that G − V (C1) − V (C2) has a perfect matching. Once again the corresponding decision problem is in co-NP, but it is not known to be in NP.
In this paper, we consider the intersection of the aforementioned problems. We give a complete characterization of matching covered graphs that are Birkhoff-von Neumann as well as PM-compact. (Thus the corresponding decision problem is in P.)
This is a joint work with Marcelo H. de Carvalho, Nishad Kothar, and Yixun Lin.