欧阳钟灿(Zhongcan Ouyang) (中国科学院,理论物理研究所)
杨亦松(Yisong Yang) (纽约大学,库朗研究所)
韩小森(Xiaosen Han) (mk体育,mk体育官网)
韩小森 15137817269, hanxiaosen@henu.edu.cn
邹广安 15736863632,zouguangan00@163.com
Schedule |
2019年7月24日,星期三下午,报到 |
2019年7月25日,星期四上午,数学院一楼报告厅 |
8:20-8:40 |
开幕式 |
公司一楼合影留念 |
主持人:杨亦松 |
8:40-9:40 |
欧阳钟灿(中国科学院) |
磁场作用下液晶膜泡形变理论及几个待解的膜泡形状问题讨论 |
9:40-10:00 |
Tea Break |
主持人:欧阳钟灿 |
10:00-12:00 |
涂展春(北京师范大学) |
生物膜的弹性理论 |
12:00 |
午餐,中州颐和酒店 |
2019年7月25日,星期四下午,数学院一楼报告厅 |
主持人:涂展春 |
14:30-15:30 |
杨亦松(纽约大学) |
Minimization and Topological Bounds of Bending Energy for Cell Membranes |
15:30-16:00 |
Tea Break |
主持人:韩小森 |
16:00-17:00 |
王 伟(浙江大学) |
Analysis on profile solutions for isotropic-nematic interface and 2-D point defects in liquid crystals |
17:00-18:00 |
邹广安(mk体育) |
Finite element simulation of the dynamic behavior of cell membranes |
18:00 |
晚餐,中州颐和酒店二楼 |
2019年7月26日,星期五上午,数学院一楼报告厅 |
自由讨论 |
2019年7月26日,星期五下午,离会 |
题目及摘要(Title and Abstracts)
报告人(Speaker): 欧阳钟灿 (中国科学院)
摘要(Abstract): Helfrich 在1973年提出流体膜泡液晶二阶曲率弹性理论模型 [1]不久,即提出用球形膜泡溶液的磁场光双折射来测量来验证理论,即双折射将与磁场的平方成正比[2]。2007年Manyuhina等人在一种双亲液晶膜泡溶液实测发现只有在弱磁场这个平方关系被遵守,而在高磁场这个定律有巨大的偏离,为此他们提出把Helfrich膜泡液晶弹性理论模型修改到含有膜泡曲率四阶弹性模型[3,4]。2013年Iwamoto与Ou-Yang[5]为澄清这个问题,我们在Helfrich的二阶曲率弹性模型基础上推导了磁场作用下液晶膜泡形变方程,在保持球膜泡面积不变条件下这个方程的解精确符合Helfrich双折射磁场的平方定律,但在膜泡面积可变情况下,该方程预告了对于正磁极化率液晶膜泡,磁场奖产生表面张力系数的变化及膜泡体积的增加,所产生的磁场光双折射公式精确符合实验测量[3]。2018年我们[6]从磁场作用下液晶膜泡形变方程推导了磁场控制胃状聚合物囊泡从闭合与张开的形变,定量解释了最近实验发现的聚合物囊泡的磁阀现象[7]。在报告最后,我们将讨论几个未解决的膜泡理论问题。
[1] W. Helfrich, Z. Naturforsch, C28(1973)693.
[2]W. Helfrich, Phys. Lett. A43(1973)409.
[3]O.V.Manyuhina, et. al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 98(2007)14610.
[4] O.V.Manyuhina, et. al., Eur. Phys. J. E32(2010)223.
[5]M.Iwamoto, Ou-Yang Zhong-can, Chem. Phys. Lett. 590(2013)183.
[6] Y.X. Deng, Y.Liu, Y.G. Shu, Z.C. Ou-Yang. EPL, 123(2018)6802.
[7]P.G. van Rhee, et. al., Nat. Commun. 5(2014)5010.
题目(Title): 生物膜的弹性理论
报告人(Speaker): 涂展春 (北京师范大学)
摘要(Abstract): 生物膜弹性理论发源于对人类正常红细胞双凹碟形状的研究。Helfrich的自发曲率弹性模型开辟了生物膜弹性理论这一新的研究方向。近年来,生物膜泡的形状研究取得了一些重要的新进展。我们着重介绍生物膜弹性理论相关的数学物理问题,包括脂质泡的形状方程和几类典型特解、带边脂质膜的控制方程及其特解、出芽脂质囊泡的颈端连接条件。
题目(Title):Analysis on profile solutions for isotropic-nematic interface and 2-D point defects in liquid crystals
报告人(Speaker): 王伟 (浙江大学)
摘要(Abstract): We will discuss the Laudau-de Gennes Q-tensor model at the critical phase transition temperature, which can model the isotropic-nematic interface for liquid crystals. We will show the stabilities/instabilities of profile solutions for the corresponding Euler-Lagrange equation as well as the sharp interface limit of the dynamic equation. In the second part of this talk, we discuss the profile solutions for 2D point defects with different topological degrees on the boundary under the framework of Q-tensor models. We will focus on their existences, stabilities/instabilities and uniqueness.
题目(Title): Minimization and Topological Bounds of Bending Energy for Cell Membranes
报告人(Speaker): 杨亦松 (纽约大学)
摘要(Abstract): The Helfrich bending energy, which contains the well-known Willmore energy in differential geometry as a limiting case, plays an important role in providing a mechanism for the conformation of a lipid vesicle, modeling cell membranes, in theoretical biophysics. Such a vesicle is a closed surface and governed by the principle of energy minimization over configurations of appropriate topological characteristics. We will show that the presence of a quantity called the spontaneous curvature obstructs the existence of a minimizer of the Helfrich energy over the set of embedded ring tori. Besides, despite the well-realized knowledge that lipid vesicles may present themselves in a variety of shapes of complicated topology, there is a lack of topological bounds for the Helfrich energy. To overcome these difficulties, we consider a general scale-invariant anisotropic curvature energy that extends the Canham elastic bending energy developed in modeling a biconcave-shaped red blood cell. We will show that, up to a rescaling of the generating radii, there is a unique minimizer of the energy over the set of embedded ring tori, in the entire parameter regime, which recovers the Willmore minimizer in its Canham isotropic limit. We also show how elevated anisotropy favors energetically a clear transition from spherical-, to ellipsoidal-, and then to biconcave-shaped surfaces, for a lipid vesicle. We then establish some genus-dependent topological lower and upper bounds for the anisotropic energy. Finally, we derive the shape equation of the generalized bending energy, which extends the well-known Helfrich shape equation.
题目(Title): Finite element simulation of the dynamic behavior of cell membranes
报告人(Speaker): 邹广安 (mk体育)
摘要(Abstract): In this talk, we present some new dynamic equations for studying the shape deformation of cell membranes, which by using the energetic variational formulation with phase field methods based on the minimization of elastic bending energy. Finite element method is used to simulate the dynamic behavior of cell membranes.
公司建有数学建模实验室、金融统计实验室和数据分析技术实验室等三个教学科研平台,拥有现代数学研究所、应用数学研究所、教学方法研究室、非线性科学研究室等四个科研机构,办有全英文专业学术刊物《数学季刊》。学院注重发挥学科带头人的引领作用,积极参与国内外学术交流,不断凝练学科研究方向,持续加强学术团队建设,在偏微分方程与数学物理、实分析与复分析、概率论与数理统计、图像处理与科学计算等方向形成了比较优势和特色,取得了一批优秀科研成果。据统计,2014年~2018年,学院教师发表论文461篇,多项成果在Communications in Mathematical Physics, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. A等国际著名学术刊物上发表;获批国家自然科学基金项目48项,出版学术专著6部,荣获科研奖励114项。