报 告 人: 张之正教授
报告时间:11月11日下午 14:30
The theory of basic hypergeometric series consists of many known summation and transformation formulas. These basic hypergeometric series identities frequently appear in combinatorics and in related area such as number theory, physics, and representation theory of Lie algebras. Multiple basic hypergeometric series associated to the unitary group An (or U(n + 1)), Cn and Dn have been investigated by various authors. Many different types of such series exist in the literature. In this talk, we give 1. Some U(n + 1) transformation formulas; 2. U(n+ 1) analogue of AAB Bailey lattice (Agarwal, Andrews and Bressoud) and its applications; 3. U(n + 1), Cn and elliptic generalizations of WP-Bailey pairs and their applications, 4. A WP-Bailey lattices aand its U(n + 1) analogue.
张之正教授是洛阳师范学院数学科学学院经理,河南师范大学兼职硕士生导师,大连理工大学计算数学博士,南京大学博士后。主要研究方向为组合计数与q级数理论。在 Int. J. Number Theory,Ramanujan J.等国际期刊发表论文100多篇,主持国家自然科学基金3项。曾获河南省自然科学优秀学术论文壹等奖6项、贰等奖13项,河南省学术技术带头人,河南省高校优秀中青年骨干教师,河南省百名技术英杰,中国组合数学与图论学会理事,河南省数学会理事。