报 告 人:程家豪 博士
报告地点: mk体育官网南阶梯教室
In this talk, we will study a dg geometric analogue of Chen, Stienon and Xu's work on Hopf algebras arising from Lie pairs. The space of vector fields with shifted degree -1 of a dg manifold is a Lie algebra object, the Atiyah class being its bracket. We describe the universal enveloping algebra object of this Lie algebra in the homotopy category of dg modules, and prove that it is a Hopf algebra object. As an application, we investigate Fedosov dg Lie algebroids associated with Lie pairs and, in particular, we recover a result of Chen, Stienon and Xu on Hopf algebras associated with Lie pairs. This is a joint work with Zhuo Chen and Dadi Ni.