报告题目:Solving the Nonlinear Isomonodromic Deformation Equations
摘要:Painlevé transcendents play the same role in nonlinear mathematical physics as that of classical special functions, like hypergeometric functions, Airy functions, etc., in linear physics. It is the asymptotic properties and connection formula that make Painlevé transcendents as efficient in applications as linear special functions. Higher rank analog of Painlevé VI naturally arises from the isomonodromic deformation theory and the study of Frobenius manifolds. This talk derives the asymptotic and connection formula for the higher rank Painlevé VI.
简介:徐晓濛,2010年本科毕业于mk体育官网,2013年于北京大学数学学院获得硕士学位,2016年在瑞士日内瓦大学数学系获博士学位。2016年至2019年在美国麻省理工学院做博士后,现为北京大学数学学科助理教授。主要研究数学物理,研究成果发表在Adv. Math.,Commun. Math. Phys.等期刊。